Sharing my bed with Maple Harbour
When asked to reveiw their product, I thought that Maple Harbour was just another on-line home design site. Glad they proved me wrong!

Rooms | Colors | Furniture | Fabrics | Accessories | Walls | Lights | Floors | Tiles | Renovations
Known from my 5 year gig on Home + Garden Television, HGTV, I live + work in New York City designing beautifully comfortable homes.
Exposed to the high + low as seen through the eyes of my Clients + Vendors, I'm extremely fortunate to be invited into their private spaces. Constantly reminded of how our surroundings are so uniquely personal + affect us so profoundly, fuels the passion for my creativity. Living with style can be easily attained with the guidance of a trained eye + resourceful approachable Designer.
As a boutique firm, we are available to work with you one-on-one either in person or remotely via the phone/web. I offer many levels of interior design, renovation, project management, purchasing + consultation services. Please visit my firm's website for a formal introduction.
Here on my Blog, I offer a casual insight into the New York City Interior Design scene. Parties ~ product launches ~ trade only events ~ charity happenings ~ etc. You're invited to subscribe to our musings + follow at your choice of design venues listed below.
As always you are invited to call or email me directly with any design questions.
Appreciate you stopping by today ~m
Mindy Miles Greenberg, Allied ASID
Encore Decor Interior Design + Renovation
NYC Area - Long Island - Hamptons - Global
Your Life. Your Stlye. Your Home.
917. 974. 4500
Encore Decor Interior Design + Renovation:
-Full Service Interior Design
-Shopping Services
-Guest Speaking
-Paint Colors
-Space Planning
-Design Direction
-Trade-Only Purchasing
"Make-Over Living Room in Woodbury"
The Wall Street Journal:
William Sonoma's Marketplace: Our Writing
"A Designer's Guide to Tile Style"
"How to Organize a Design Studio"
"12 Great Lighting Pointers Every Designer Should Know"
"Creating a Clothing Boutique in your Client's Closet"
"Navigating Trade-Only Trade Shows"
"Wall Coverings: An Instant Splash of Luxury"
"Interior Design for Maximum Real Estate Resale"
"Great Design Resources on Twitter"
Joss & Main:
When asked to reveiw their product, I thought that Maple Harbour was just another on-line home design site. Glad they proved me wrong!
People often worry needlessly about interior design ‘rules’, protocols and etiquette as to the correct placing of certain items within a room or design scheme and rugs are no different.
Every bathroom deserves a beautiful + functional vanity.
My mother treated her custom green silk taffeta sofa, with the loving kindness.
If you’re one of those people who is thinking about putting a water fountain inside your home but haven’t quite settled on the idea
Campy, clever + tongue-in-cheek funny these 2 films are related in story line + both are visually spot-on.
See + almost feel garments worn by Madonna, Beyonce, Cate Blanchet + others. This show leads you thru the extraordinary provocatively creative world of one of the most prolific designers who has been consistently an icon of his own making, for generations.
It's no secret that I'm not a fan of flowers in real life {they smell good~then very bad} but something, just something has got to give me hope that Spring is right around the corner.
"Good design follows a path from the eyes to the brain, then straight to the heart" ... Alexander Julian
Copyright 2010-2014 Encore Decor® Ltd. All content, photos images + text are the property of Encore Decor® Ltd. unless otherwise credited.
Nothing may be copied, altered or reused in any way without prior written consent from Mindy Miles Greenberg.