History Lesson #3-1
The original phrase, has its origins with the constellations Leo the Lion + Aries the Lamb.
It's based on the relative positions of these constellations in the sky at the beginning + end of the month.
The weather is traditionally wild at the beginning of March but fair by the end {good to know we are on-track}.
The reverse is also true - when March comes in like a Lamb, it goes out with a ROAR!
Now is the time of year to write down your, "Winter's-To-Do-With-Your-Home" List.
Not just your typical clean-out-the-closet stuff, but the pesty painting, brighter lighting, draft reducing
window treatment kind of items that create creature comforts during the colder indoor months.
Those tasks somehow get forgotten once the outdoor weather arrives.
Sweeping them under the rug doesn't work long term.
We have visited several homes that got stung by Mother Nature's angry rage.
Those projects are top of the Fix-It List: water damage due to broken pipes, clogged gutters, leaky windows, etc.
It's the not-so-urgent projects that should also be noted, so these
chores don't end-up perpetually forgotten, season after season.
Decorating projects should also be included:
Was your reading chair comfy? Enough light? Is the fabric on your sofa soiled? Pillows comfy? How's the wallpaper? Rugs? End Tables? TV watching area good for the entire family? Visitors need a space to sleep? Bathrooms clean + organized? Computer area works?
The Spring Season, has many holidays + family events merging into the relaxing outdoor summertime.
We are looking forward to a busy few months ahead, with many new projects on the horizon.
Impatiently waiting for the warm sunny weather to finally arrive.
Patience is Golden?

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