It's a lovely gesture to have fresh flowers in your home - let's say every Friday?
Basic rules of thumb:
-One type of flower in one color, per container
-No color mixing unless you are a pro
-Cut down the stems to fit nicely in your vessel (not pretty to see too much stem popping out)
-A little fussing is appropriate
I learned that years ago from Michael Passentino, a cruel but very talented display director I once worked for. His claim to fame was he was the best man at the wedding of Egon von Furstenberg to Diane. I'll never forget that Michael had a real Andy Warhol in his 5th Avenue apartment, casually leaning against the wall, on the floor. So cool.
Fresh flowers add life to a room. Almost every photo shoot of a finished room has some, somewhere.
I honestly don't have a green thumb, despite my last name. And, I do get sad when I watch beautiful flowers wilt + need to be tossed. So it seems the surest way to always have fresh blooms in a room, is to use floral fabrics.
Truth be told that I don't use any floral fabrics in my projects, up to now. I'm willing to reconsider, since there are so many beautiful floral prints available that are so happy to look at.
Flowers used in wall papers or in this wall sculpture are sweetly acceptable.
Florals mix so nicely with solids, stripes + small patterns. Very compatible.
FUNNY that on this very snowy day, a seed + bulb catalog - of all things - appeared in my mailbox. How did I get on their mailing list?
Got me thinking of the wonders of mother nature. Blizzard one day, flowers in a few weeks.
Can't wait to see those buds. Bring them on!
*On a personal note: today is my mom + her twin brother's 87th birthday. Both are active, spunky + enjoying life. My parents live about a mile away from me but I didn't get my mom flowers for her special day, my brother did + he lives half way across the world!
Flowers are the universal symbol of life, love, nature + beauty. I'm going to get with the program + turn over a new leaf.
Images courtesy of House Beautiful, Traditional Home + Robert Allen
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