Meet Mindy

 Known from my 5 year gig on Home + Garden Television, HGTV, I live + work in New York City designing beautifully comfortable homes.        


Exposed to the high + low as seen through the eyes of my Clients + Vendors, I'm extremely fortunate to be invited into their private spaces. Constantly reminded of how our surroundings are so uniquely personal + affect us so profoundly, fuels the passion for my creativity.  Living with style can be easily attained with the guidance of a trained eye + resourceful approachable Designer.

As a boutique firm, we are available to work with you one-on-one either in person or remotely via the phone/web. I offer many levels of interior design, renovation, project management, purchasing + consultation services.  Please visit my firm's website for a formal introduction.

Here on my Blog, I offer a casual insight into the New York City Interior Design scene.  Parties ~ product launches ~ trade only events ~ charity happenings ~ etc.  You're invited to subscribe to our musings + follow at your choice of design venues listed below.  

As always you are invited to call or email me directly with any design questions.

Appreciate you stopping by today ~m

Mindy Miles Greenberg, Allied ASID
Encore Decor Interior Design + Renovation

NYC Area - Long Island - Hamptons - Global

Your Life. Your Stlye. Your Home.

917. 974. 4500

Interior Design Services

Encore Decor Interior Design + Renovation:

-Full Service Interior Design
-Shopping Services
-Guest Speaking

Specification /Purchasing:

-Paint Colors

On-Line Design:

-Space Planning
-Design Direction
-Trade-Only Purchasing

Corporate Partnerships

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Entries in Fashion (5)


Gimme Colour

It's this time a year that my soul needs some colour.  Grey is just too blue.

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Photos of Hollywood Ladies thru the Lens of Cecil Beaton

Cecil Beaton (1904-1980) was friends with the ladies who loved to pose.  He was a prolific photographer, illustrator + fashion designer.  Always sporting a suit, this Brit started as a staff photographer for Vogue + Vanity Fair.  Life + work became intertwined as his personal circle of friends consisted of the aristocratic + glamorous elite: Audrey Hepburn, Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Julie Andrews, Maria Callas... to name just a few.  A true renaissance man, his works also contained  portraits of:  Cole Porter, Salvador Dali, Marlon Brando, Mick Jagger +Andy Warhol.

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Jason Wu Spring 2012 - Sponsored by Brizo

Brizo is a company that manufacturers faucets + fittings for the kitchen + bath. Their tag line: "Fashion for the Home". Brizo is the style obsessed sister in the family of  Delta + Peerless Brands.

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Van Cleef & Arpels: Set In Style

One would expect the jewels are absolutely breathtaking, but the visual display of this show is a stunning example of cutting edge exhibit design.

Visitors are handed an iPad to take around while viewing the show, complete with video interviews with Claude Arpels Jr., Head Designer Angela Forenza  + Exhibit Designer Patrick Jouin. One of the videos shows the process of setting stones - utterly fascinating. The videos can be viewed from their site, here.

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Sonia Delaunay: Textiles in Fashion at the Cooper-Hewitt

Sonia Delaunay (1885-1979) was a designer that was always ahead of her time. Living in a world of her own design she was a respected painter- textile-fashion-industrial-interior designer. She designed everything about her space specifically to merge art with the everyday of  life. Her trademark "look" was composed of abstract forms + bold use of color.  Ironically the images here are all in b/w.

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