House Beautiful Contest (for Blogfest 2012) : My 'A-Ha' Moment
It came when it was least expected - isn't that always the way?
I was called to meet with a perspective Client, whom I didn't know - or even know where she got my name from.
{There was a recession going on, remember that?}
After a couple of hours discussing the design possibilities for her new/old pre-war ,
it turned out that she knew one of my past Clients!
Six degrees of separation, they say?
~I knew I did a great job on the past project
~ I knew I remained personally friendly with the past Client, so a great testimonial was a guarantee, but...
~ I also knew that both young professionals couldn't have had more opposite aesthetics
N O N E the L E S S...
I had a wonderfully calm feeling.
The type of feeling that comes with confidence.
The kind of confidence that just knows good things are straight ahead.
The feeling I get when I see a room in House Beautiful perfectly executed.
Ah the feeling of "A-ha".
The Completed House #1:
The House I just knew I could complete in a completely different look #2:
Thank you for the consideration, "House Beautiful".
You raise the bar by featuring fine home design from coast-to-coast.
Your publication is a constant source of inspiration for us all.
Hope you find the feeling, mutual.
Ciao for now,
Posted by: Mindy Miles Greenberg, Allied ASID, Encore Decor Ltd.
With great thanks to Kravet, for this opportunity.
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