Let's take a brief pause from the art of High Design, to enjoy the world from a different perspective!
Last week the request from my visiting niece and nephew was a ride on "simply the tallest, fastest roller coaster on Earth, "Kingda Ka".
I had to ask them to repeat it a few times, since I didn't get the name. When planning the big outing we noticed on the website that the ride was "down" for repairs. (kinda makes you wonder and feel strangely grateful in more than one way). Honestly the virtual ride, above link, was just my speed. Choice #2 The local H20 park, Splish Splash. Unusually hot in NY, no problem here. I played hooky for a day - if you know me, you know how out-of-character that is. Truth be told that I actually rested on a lounge in the shade, ate ice cream with one hand and had my BlackBerry in the other. (Not rare the ice cream and BB part.) Absolutely nothing else in the walk-able radius remotely appealed to me. Absolutely nothing. Aunt Mindy patiently waited for the young adults to experience their few "thrilling memorable moments". My reward: Dripping wet hugs of thanks and a little R&R. Thinking back I really, really used to love this stuff, although it seems oddly far removed for me now.
What's the point? Expand your horizons... Give life a different spin... You might be thrilled (in a good way). That's our suggestion to our Client's about their Design projects. During our Initial Design Visit, our Client's usually mention that if they were to design their new space themselves, it would look and feel like all their other attempts - a bit tired. They hire us anticipating a space that enhances their lives in ways they can't quite define. Even if they can't sort of verbalize what they like, they are savvy enough to understand the value in a professional outcome and the ease in actually getting from point A to completion, with some guidance. Our job is to create a slightly "different" experience of the home, suited our Client's lifestyle, signature look & feel. Together we embark on a journey that is fun and thrilling, while always staying with 2 feet firmly planted on the ground! We help to think out of the box: as conservative ..... or daring as desired. This stuff still gets me moving: "Summer in the City" The Lovin' Spoonful You too?
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